Javier Horcajo

Dissertation tittle:

Implicit attitude change (2005).

Dissertation related publications:

Horcajo, J., Briñol, P., & Petty, R. E. (2010). Consumer persuasion: Indirect change and implicit balance. Psychology and Marketing, 27, 938-963.


Briñol, P., Horcajo, J., Becerra, A., Falces, C., & Sierra, B. (2003). Equilibrio cognitivo implícitoPsicothema, 15, 375-380.


Briñol, P., Horcajo, J., Becerra, A., Falces, C., & Sierra, B., (2002). Cambio de actitudes implícitasPsicothema, 14, 771-775.

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